Monday, September 27, 2010

Second brown trout painting

Finally had time to sit down and paint a brown trout. Learned a lot from this experiment. I'll be donating this picture to an auction being held this weekend at the Arctic Valley/Alpenglow ski resort. Can't wait to see if someone actually bids on it :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Did something...

Decided to do something crazy and attempt to do some art on a Wednesday night. Wednesday nights are the hardest for me since I’m running around all evening. But last night I was determined to experiment with “drawing gum”. I’ve used it years ago, so I was vaguely familiar. Unfortunately painting “gum” with a brush is painful. Not only did it prove to be painstakingly annoying with the gum drying on my brush constantly, it also ruined 3 brushes. Now, I’ll Google exactly how I am suppose to use it. But, for now here’s a quick shot of what I produced. It was really an experiment in patience. Which, last night proved to be my problem.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Not a good start

My goal was to starting painting regularly - every Thursday night. No matter what. But, once again the life of a busy working mom has pushed me to the point of exhaustion. So, alas, instead of painting I'm laying in bed, resting my sore neck on a heating pad & drinking wine.